Custom Sets

Special CELLO Set: Larsen Cello A and D, Spirocore Tungsten G and C
Special CELLO Set: Larsen Cello A and D, Spirocore Tungsten G and C

Gostrings Soloist Special Cello Set: Larsen Soloist A&D, Spirocore Tungsten G&C
Gostrings Soloist Special Cello Set: Larsen Soloist A&D, Spirocore Tungsten G&C

Magnacore A & D Evah Pirazzi Gold G & C Cello
Magnacore A & D Evah Pirazzi Gold G & C Cello

Gostrings Special Cello Set: Jargar Cello A&D, Spirocore Tungsten G&C
Gostrings Special Cello Set: Jargar Cello A&D, Spirocore Tungsten G&C

Gostrings special Cello Set: Jargar Superior cello A&D, Spirocore tungsten G&C
Gostrings special Cello Set: Jargar Superior cello A&D, Spirocore tungsten G&C

Larsen solo A and D with Pirastro Permanent Soloist G and C, Cello Set
Larsen solo A and D with Pirastro Permanent Soloist G and C, Cello Set

Gostrings Chamber Music Special Cello Set: Larsen A & D, Permanent Tungsten G & C
Gostrings Chamber Music Special Cello Set: Larsen A & D, Permanent Tungsten G & C

Permanent A and D with Magnacore G & C
Permanent A and D with Magnacore G & C

Custom Cello Set: Evah Pirazzi A and D with Spirocore Tungsten G and C
Custom Cello Set: Evah Pirazzi A and D with Spirocore Tungsten G and C

Evah Pirazzi Soloist A and D with Spirocore Tungsten G and C, Cello Set
Evah Pirazzi Soloist A and D with Spirocore Tungsten G and C, Cello Set

Larsen A and D with Pirazzi G and C, Cello Set
Larsen A and D with Pirazzi G and C, Cello Set

Larsen Solo A and D with Passione G and C, Cello Set
Larsen Solo A and D with Passione G and C, Cello Set

Jargar A and D with Pirazzi G and C, Cello Set
Jargar A and D with Pirazzi G and C, Cello Set

Jargar A and D with Pirazzi soloist G and C, Cello Set
Jargar A and D with Pirazzi soloist G and C, Cello Set

Gostrings Cellist Special: Pirazzi Gold A & D; Spirocore Tungsten G & C
Gostrings Cellist Special: Pirazzi Gold A & D; Spirocore Tungsten G & C

Evah Pirazzi Gold A & D; Larsen Magnacore Tungsten G & C
Evah Pirazzi Gold A & D; Larsen Magnacore Tungsten G & C

Pirastro Passione A and D with Larsen G and C, Cello Set
Pirastro Passione A and D with Larsen G and C, Cello Set

Pirastro Passione A and D with Spirocore Tungsten G and C, Cello Set
Pirastro Passione A and D with Spirocore Tungsten G and C, Cello Set

Custom Cello Set: Permanent Soloist A and D with Spirocore Silver G and and Tungsten C
Custom Cello Set: Permanent Soloist A and D with Spirocore Silver G and and Tungsten C

Custom Cello Set: Larsen A and D with Evah Pirazzi Soloist G and C
Custom Cello Set: Larsen A and D with Evah Pirazzi Soloist G and C

Larsen soloist A and D with Evah Pirazzi soloist G and C cello set
Larsen soloist A and D with Evah Pirazzi soloist G and C cello set

Cello Custom Set: Jargar A&D with Helicore G&C
Cello Custom Set: Jargar A&D with Helicore G&C

Custom Cello: Jargar Superior A and D with Spirocore Tungsten G and C
Custom Cello: Jargar Superior A and D with Spirocore Tungsten G and C

Chromcor Plus A&D, Spirocore chrome G&C
Chromcor Plus A&D, Spirocore chrome G&C

Jargar Cello A and D with Larsen Magnacore G and C
Jargar Cello A and D with Larsen Magnacore G and C

Jargar Superior Cello A&D with Larsen Magnacore G and C
Jargar Superior Cello A&D with Larsen Magnacore G and C

Custom Cello Set: Passione A&D with Larsen Magnacore G&C
Custom Cello Set: Passione A&D with Larsen Magnacore G&C

Cello Custom Set: Evah Pirazzi A&D with Larsen Magnacore G&C
Cello Custom Set: Evah Pirazzi A&D with Larsen Magnacore G&C

Larsen Soloist A & D, Larsen Magnacore G & C
Larsen Soloist A & D, Larsen Magnacore G & C

Magnacore A & D Evah Pirazzi Gold G & C Cello
Magnacore A & D Evah Pirazzi Gold G & C Cello

All Sets

Evah Pirazzi SOLO A & D, Magnacore G & C
Evah Pirazzi SOLO A & D, Magnacore G & C

Magnacore A & D. only. Cello
Magnacore A & D. only. Cello

Magnacore G & C. The Mpack Cello
Magnacore G & C. The Mpack Cello

Spirocore Tungsten G & C Super Pack
Spirocore Tungsten G & C Super Pack

Jargar Cello A & D GoPack
Jargar Cello A & D GoPack

Dominant A & D. The Deepack
Dominant A & D. The Deepack

Dominant G & C. The Deelopack
Dominant G & C. The Deelopack

Magnacore Cello A(medium), D(strong) and Magnacore Arioso G&C
Magnacore Cello A(medium), D(strong) and Magnacore Arioso G&C

Versum G&C Cello Pack
Versum G&C Cello Pack

Perpetual Cadenza G&C Cello strings Pack
Perpetual Cadenza G&C Cello strings Pack

Perpetual A&D and Perpetual Cadenza G&C Cello strings
Perpetual A&D and Perpetual Cadenza G&C Cello strings
