The shortcut to Violin Technique. Edited by H. Zayia.
Indiana University Press

A master's approach to learning Paganini's left-hand technique "There is no doubt that this book by one of the greatest and noblest of interpreters, the unique virtuoso Ruggiero Ricci, is a sensational and important resource for violinists of every level. In it, he shares his insights into Paganini's 'secrets' and gives priceless advice to his young colleagues on achieving the highest level of violin technique with the least amount of time and effort. Once, after a triumphal concert of Ricci in Vienna, my father David Oistrakh said: 'All of us violinists must learn from the magic art of Ruggiero Ricci.' I can't add anything to that!" Igor Oistrakh

"Ricci's book presents to every serious violinist a unique view of left-hand technique and the challenges of playing the instrument at the highest level. His views are based on a lifetime of experience as a virtuoso and on his inexhaustible search for answers to the problems faced by every violinist." Kevork Mardirossian, Professor of Violin and Coordinator of Strings, Louisiana State University In his book on left-hand violin technique, Maestro Ruggiero Ricci addresses common problems in shifting by advocating the study of the glissando technique. He asserts that re-incorporating this technique will not only aid violinists in developing a better-trained ear, but also provide them with "shortcuts" to playing some of Paganini's most difficult passages.

Ricci introduces and compares old and new systems of playing to provide a context for the glissando system. He outlines a series of glissando scales that provides the student with a blueprint for developing additional glissando scales in other keys. He offers exercises designed to increase flexibility, ear training, coordination, and crawling technique and has included a DVD in which he demonstrates various bowing techniques. Ruggiero Ricci, in a career spanning more than 75 years, has played more concerts and produced more recordings than any violinist past or present. Ricci became the first violinist to record the complete Caprices of Nicol Paganini in their unadulterated form in 1947.

Gregory Zayia is an amateur violinist and longtime aficionado of the artistry of Ruggiero Ricci. $29.95